About Server

Server Statistics
CRUSHMU Server Info
Server Version Season 6 with Season 17 features
Experience 9999X (+10% for VIP)
Master Experience 1000X (+10% for VIP)
Max Stats 65000
Points per level 5/7 points
Grand Reset Yes at 100 resets 1k wCoinC reward
Search Store and Search Party Active
Keep Stats after reset
Auto Reset & OffAttack Yes(-50% XP)
Reset same spot
Mu Helper Active
Off Store
Average Succes rate 80%
Guild Ware House Yes (accesible at Devias guild creator)
Total Accounts 10622
Total Characters 267
Total Guilds 6
Total Gms 3
Active In 24 Hours 75

Commands list
/post Post a global message
/addstr /addagi /addvit /addene /addcmd Add points
/pkclear Clear PK status
/ware *number* Change warehouse number
/reset auto Yes (with XP penalty)
/reset Reset your character
/war *guild* | /soccer *guild* Challenge another guild
/clearinv Clear character inventory
/marry /marry to *player*
/openware Open Warehouse
/gift Receive random FREE gift
/answer *msg* For QUIZ event
/help Summon help
/attack and /offattack Time limit offattack 2 Hours / 4 Hours for VIP
/evo change to 3rd Class cost: 200 wCoinC
/zen add ZEN, Cost: 10 wCoinC
/changename Change Name, Cost: 200 wCoinC
/re on|off|auto Request system
/store /offstore Open custom store and Offline Store
/readd | /remaster Readd stats | Readd ML points : cost 100wCoinC
/quest Start custom quest
/arenavip1 /arenavip2 /arenavip3 Vip players can go to Arena VIP

CRUSHMU Server Market Statistics
Total Items 40
Active Items 1
Expired Items 39
Total Sold 35
Total Sales ForWcoinC 129908
Total Sales ForGoblin Points 0
Total Sales ForWcoinP 0

CryWolf Info
Status Of The Fortress Not Protected

Castle Siege Info
Owner Guild teste3
State Truce Period
Money 2.1 KKKZen
tax_chaos 3%
Tax Store 0%
Tax Hunt Zone 0Zen
Land Of Trials Map Winners will have acces to the map. The map have Ancient Drop Rate increased, Normal Jewel Drop Doubled and Custom Jewels chance to drop

# Guild Master Reg Marks
No Registered Guilds
Castle Siege Schedule
Monday Guild Registration Period
Tuesday Guild Registration Period
Wednesday Sing of Lord Register
Thursday Truce Period
Friday Guilds Annoucement
Saturday Castle Siege Preparation
Sunday Battle!

Currently this is only one server.